After The Lord Mayors Show – Manchester 4th April 2015

So, it’s back to the old routine after the last match at Anfield, where there were so many stamps, The National Philatelic Society are thinking of opening a branch there in commemoration. From that magical afternoon, we went straight into an international break, which to me are a bleeding nuisance. During that two weeks, boyhood United fan, Raheem Sterling, gave an interview to the BBC, which has gone down in Liverpool, like Ringo Starr’s infamous interview on Jonathan Ross’s show in 2008. Oh, and England won one game, drew another and everybody got really excited about the amusingly named Harry Kane.

United winger and Aston Villa legend, Ashley Young, taking a corner in the 10th minute

With all that no past, it was great to be back at Old Trafford today, even if the match was a classic case of after the Lord Mayor’s show. Ideally after the Liverpool match, United would’ve had a midweek game and capitalised on the momentum gained, having beaten our main rivals in their own backyard. Annoyingly, the international break broke that flow and we found ourselves today witnessing a match that if I was watching in a pub, I would’ve got the cards and crib board out halfway through the first half. It was bloody awful. Aston Villa had a well marshalled defence who were very hard to break down. It’s testament to the growing confidence of this side that they kept their bottle throughout a very frustrating first half, eventually to see Ander Herrera calmly slot the ball home in the Scoreboard End net in the 43rd minute.

United completely controlled the second half but with a one goal lead and up against a lad like Christian Benteke, there was always an anxious feeling that a sudden moment of madness could see Villa gain a completely undeserved equaliser. When Wayne Rooney made it 2-0 in the 79th minute, we all breathed easy and were looking forward to watching United efficiently see this dull game out for a good three points. That didn’t happen, a minute later, Benteke scored to have us all frantically check our watches for the last ten minutes.

Dimwitted Benny Hawkins, played by Paul Henry

An Aston Villa fan near Old Trafford before the match

Aston Villa fans really are not the sharpest tools in the box, but to be fair to them, they seem a happy bunch. They were occasionally singing songs about going to Wembley and also with great perception, they told us in that ever quaint accent of theirs that we were gunna win fuck all. This is something that most United fans have quietly believed this season and something that was virtually rubber stamped by Arsenal’s win at Old Trafford, nearly four weeks ago. My favourite moment from the Villa fans though came after Ander Herrera’s second goal in injury time which made the score 3-1. A load of Villa fans at the front of their enclosure were making “me and you, outside” gestures, to all the United fans in wheelchairs immediately in front of them. Bless ’em.

“Hold me back, hold me back” – Aston Villa’s boys issuing a challenge to United’s blue badge firm at full time 

Virtually this time last year, for the match against Villa, an aircraft flew over Old Trafford to display one of the most embarrassing and scabrous actions I have ever witnessed from some knobheads who claim to be United fans. Today, United are looking good to achieve what they wanted to at the start of the season, hoping to build on for next season and a decent stab at the title. With recent wins against Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur, couple with Liverpool losing again today and as an added bonus, Leeds United getting clobbered at home, Old Trafford is a far happier place. The sun was shining properly today for the first time in a good while, in every way, let’s hope it stays that way.

5 thoughts on “After The Lord Mayors Show – Manchester 4th April 2015”

  1. Murph,

    You are a scabrous individual.

    All the more so because you have single handedly failed to acknowledge the excellent contribution of Marouane Fellaini, plus the excellent link up between Tony V, Ander ‘everywhere you go’ Herrera, and Juan ‘take that you thieving scouse cunts Mata.

    Also, you don’t mention the blossoming partnership in our midfield? Are you Blind?

    Carrick and Daley seem to have clicked, a bit like your fingers when impatiently waiting for ‘service’ in Piccadilly Massage.

    I dropped your loyalty card back in at your Mam and Dad’s by the way.

    Some positives though, the pic of the Villa fans has had me chuckling solidly, for somewhere in the region of 10 mins.


    Bring on the bitters….they are a MASSIVE club, it’s a HUGE game, they will have 250,000 away fans, possibly watching on a specially erected screen adjacent to the Ewood hill.

  2. I thought the shirts put in a good shift today. It can’t be champers every time they turn out. Only d Gea, who should buy some new finger trousers, could feel as if let us down at all. But he’s forgiven. They’re a team who need points, nearly as much as us. They were here for a draw or a streaky win, unlike the mickeys, who thought they were going to finish 2nd. Brenda says some great things to entertain us. Off piste next. How do those ingerlund fans stay awake? Boring bastards. The ingerlund national anthem every few minutes. Is that really all they know? I know most of ’em come from places like liecestershistererer and norich, and other holes in the road. But really, it’s crap. You’re hard to please Murph.

  3. I indeed did watch it in a bar in Singapore, instead of my usual standing in the scoreboard end. Didn’t think the game was boring to be honest and villa were never a threat. As for the plane last year, it was embarrassing but so was the standing ovation by almost the whole ground of a man who everyone knew deep down was an idiot. Sometimes the ends justify the means.

  4. A bit harsh Murph, I thought there were a good few positives from the game. Juan Mata’s continued great form and his links with Ander Herera, also the defence, de Gea’s howler aside, played well again. Rooney’s goal was brilliant and Ashley Young ran Villa ragged for the 70 minutes he played, so I think, although not an Anfield like performance,seven more wins like that, will do for me. Sometimes you get Nearly Dan when you want Steely Dan!!! Both good in their own way .

  5. Cheers Murph. Straightforward enough win, but i agree with the comment above in that some of Herrera’s one-twos for the overlaps of Valencia were great, more of the same please (and hopefully one day a decent across at the end).

    It’s a shame Villa fans were too busy supporting their lawcal teeeym to make it to the game yesterday. Not sure if you can see from your seat, but they only had the two L blocks, none of K and none of south. Why? Saving up for Wembley? Or are they all banned for life now for having the cheek to go on the pitch and celebrate a win? (I’m sure that’s what their safety chief was threatening us with. twice.)

    Hope they go down, so was good to see QPR and Leicester win for that reason alone. Bring on the Liars…

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